Azuloscurocasinegro (Dark Blue Almost Black) – Monday 26 Oct
Latina Cineclub in partnership with Embassy of Spain in Yangon present Azuloscurocasinegro (Eng: Dark Blue Almost Black) , 2006 Spanish drama film written and directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. He developed the story from his award-winning short film Física II made in 2004.
Spanish with English subtitles
Duration: 1h45mins
Summary :
Jorge is a 25-year old janitor who desperately tries to find himself a new, and especially, better, job. This undertaking is complicated by the fact he takes care of his handicapped father who had a hart infarct seven years earlier. His soon-to-be-released brother Antonio finds a girlfriend (Paula) in jail who wants to get pregnant. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. When Antonio finds out he’s infertile, Jorge is asked to make Paula pregnant.
Free Entrance
Every monday at IFB | 8 PM | Conference room upstairs
The films are in the original language with subtitles in English
You will have to present your ID card at the entrance
Azuloscurocasinegro (Azul) -Lundi 26 Octobre
Le Latina Cinéclub en collaboration avec L’ambassade d’Espagne à Rangoun présent Azuloscurocasinegro (Azul), une comédie dramatique espagnole réalisé par Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, sorti en 2006. L’histoire a été développé à partir de son court-métrage primé Fisica II réalisé en 2004.
En espagnol sous-titré anglais
Durée: 1h45
Jorge, malgré un master de gestion, a dû reprendre le travail de concierge de son père handicapé et s’occuper de lui à plein temps. Son frère ainé, Antonio, est en prison. Natalia, la fille qu’il aime depuis l’enfance, est revenue vivre dans l’immeuble. Son meilleur ami, Israël, passe son temps sur le toit à espionner les voisins découvrant ainsi que son propre père fréquente le salon de massages coquins d’en face. Tout bascule pour Jorge quand Antonio, sorti de prison, lui demande un étrange service : mettre enceinte, à sa place, Paula, sa petite amie restée en prison…
Entrée gratuite
Chaque lundi, à l’IFB | 20h | Salle de conférence en haut
Les films sont proposés en version originale sous titrée en anglais
Merci de présenter une pièce d’identité à l’entrée
Azuloscurocasinegro (Dark Blue Almost Black) – Monday 26 Oct
Latina Cineclub in partnership with Embassy of Spain in Yangon present Azuloscurocasinegro (Eng: Dark Blue Almost Black) , 2006 Spanish drama film written and directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. He developed the story from his award-winning short film Física II made in 2004.
Spanish with English subtitles
Duration: 1h45mins
Summary :
Jorge is a 25-year old janitor who desperately tries to find himself a new, and especially, better, job. This undertaking is complicated by the fact he takes care of his handicapped father who had a hart infarct seven years earlier. His soon-to-be-released brother Antonio finds a girlfriend (Paula) in jail who wants to get pregnant. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. When Antonio finds out he’s infertile, Jorge is asked to make Paula pregnant.
Free Entrance
Every monday at IFB | 8 PM | Conference room upstairs
The films are in the original language with subtitles in English
You will have to present your ID card at the entrance