17th Francophonie Summit – Visit by Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs (Yerevan, 11-12 October 2018)

XVIIe Sommet de la Francophonie – Déplacement de Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères (Erevan, 11-12.10.18) Le ministre de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères, Jean-Yves Le Drian, accompagnera le Président de la République, Emmanuel Macron, les 11 et 12 octobre au XVIIe Sommet de la Francophonie à Erevan. A Erevan, la France réaffirmera son ambition pour la Francophonie, telle que le Président de la République l’avait présentée lors de son discours à l’Institut de France le 20 mars dernier. Ce sommet sera un moment important pour rappeler l’importance que nous accordons à la mission de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie de contribuer à faire progresser la paix, la démocratie, les droits de l’Homme et l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. La Francophonie représente une communauté unique d’expériences, de valeurs et de regards, rassemblant bientôt plus de 700 millions de femmes et d’hommes dans le monde. Le français est la deuxième langue la plus apprise dans le monde, avec près de 125 millions d’élèves et environ 900 000 professeurs de français à l’étranger. Elle est la deuxième langue d’information internationale dans les médias, la troisième langue du monde des affaires et la quatrième langue d’internet. Elle est une langue de travail d’importance majeure dans l’ensemble des organisations internationales et avec l’anglais, la seule langue présente sur les cinq continents. Le nombre de francophones devrait fortement augmenter dans les années à venir et la France veut contribuer à renforcer la place de la langue française comme langue majeure d’échanges et de communication, et lui donner un nouvel élan comme langue des affaires. Comme le Président de la République l’a rappelé, le français peut être la langue qui crée le monde de demain et embrasser la richesse et la variété du monde sans renoncer à la pluralité de ses enracinements. À cet égard, la Francophonie doit faire droit à toutes les langues que la mondialisation fragilise ou isole, et favoriser les échanges interculturels et le multilinguisme. Alors que l’Afrique est le continent où se joue l’avenir de la Francophonie, la France prêtera une importance particulière à la désignation de la secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie et soutiendra Mme Louise Mushikiwabo, dont la candidature a été endossée par l’Union africaine. Lors du sommet, la France portera notamment un projet de stratégie de la Francophonie pour la promotion de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, des droits et l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles, qui est une priorité du Président de la République et du Gouvernement. Ce Sommet, organisé par l’Arménie, sera marqué par l’hommage à Charles Aznavour, qui aura incarné le lien entre la France, l’Arménie et l’espace francophone....
read moreXVIIème Sommet de la Francophonie – vive la Francophonie en Birmanie !
XVIIème Sommet de la Francophonie – Vive la Francophonie en Birmanie ! Le XVIIème sommet de la Francophonie se tient les 11 et 12 octobre à Erevan en Arménie. La Conférence des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des pays ayant le français en partage se rassemble autour du thème : « Vivre ensemble dans la solidarité, le partage des valeurs humanistes et le respect de la diversité : source de paix et de prospérité pour l’espace francophone ». Elle adoptera notamment une Stratégie de la Francophonie pour la promotion de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, des droits et de l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles. En Birmanie, le saviez-vous ? La francophonie c’est : 2 300 personnes qui suivent des cours de français, pour moitié dans les écoles internationales et les universités, pour l’autre à l’Institut français de Birmanie à Rangoun et au centre culturel français à Mandalay. S’y ajoutent 1 200 guides, médecins, personnels d’organisations non gouvernementales et internationales et autres francophones qui utilisent chaque jour la langue française. Près de 1 000 Français, inscrits au consulat de l’ambassade de France à Rangoun, vivent en Birmanie et au moins autant d’expatriés francophones. Avec plus de 150 élèves et une croissance rapide de ses effectifs internationaux et birmans, le Lycée français international Joseph Kessel de Rangoun est un établissement de premier rang du développement de la francophonie en Birmanie. Nos actions en faveur de la francophonie en Birmanie visent à renforcer la place du français dans le système éducatif birman, notamment dans les cursus scientifiques et technologiques, à élargir l’apprentissage du français dans les écoles internationales, à soutenir la réforme en cours du système éducatif en promouvant à moyen-terme l’apprentissage du français comme deuxième langue étrangère à l’école. Nous accompagnons e développement des relationsde l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) avec les universités birmanes qui pourraient intégrer le réseau mondial de l’AUF et bénéficier de l’expertise et du savoir-faire des autres membres. Lieu de rencontre de la francophonie dans le pays, l’Institut français de Birmanie organise chaque année des événements familiaux, conviviaux et de qualité à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la Francophonie (le 20 mars). L’Institut français à Rangoun et le Centre culturel français à Mandalay proposent des outils de pédagogie modernes et une offre de certification internationale de compétences linguistiques (DELF/DALF). Le lycée français international Joseph Kessel de Rangoun est un établissement partenaire de l’Agence de l’Enseignement français à l’étranger et se conforme aux programmes de l’éducation nationale française, adaptés pour promouvoir le plurilinguisme. Les enseignements sont dispensés en français et en anglais. La scolarité est sanctionnée par le diplôme français du bac, qui est reconnu internationalement. Il donne accès à l’université en France, dans toute l’Europe et dans la plupart des pays du monde (y compris par exemples les Etats-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne ou Singapour). Les inscriptions sont encore possibles pour l’année scolaire en cours. Pour plus d’informations, suivez nous sur Facebook. Vous y retrouverez l’offre culturelle et les cours de l’Institut français de Birmanie, les actualités de l’ambassade de France et du lycée français international de...
read moreTemporary Position Opening – Apply Now!

Job Title: Project Assistant of the Institut Français de Birmanie (6-month contract) Description of the Organization: The French Institute of Myanmar (IFB, formerly Alliance Française) was created in 1961. The IFB is the cultural section of the embassy of France in Myanmar, rendering services to the cultural diversity in Myanmar, and also serving as the center of excellence for teaching French and Myanmar languages. Located in an exceptional compound in the heart of Yangon, the IFB is a multipurpose place for culture and arts. Its ambition is to remain a place for creation and cross-cultural encounters for Myanmar and francophone artists. The IFB offers a steady artistic programme with cultural events all year long. Job Description: To assist the culture officer in organizing cultural activities, events and festivals To assist the communication officer in visibility campaigns and press relation of IFB To support the language courses related campaigns and activities through communication To support the development of contents for all communication tools (online and printing tools) To manage general inquiries, data entry, incoming/ outgoing phone calls regarding the cultural activities and courses To translate contents To coordinate with suppliers and service providers Period of Service: from the 15th October 2018 to the 14th April 2019 (6-month contract) Place of Work: Institut Français de Birmanie Working Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 17:30 including 1-hour lunch break (7 hours/ day). Depending upon the events and activities, it is, sometimes, required to work in the evening or at the weekend. Qualification and Skill Requirememt: Degree in French or English or Communication or equivalent qualifications (Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply) Excellent proficiency in written and spoken Myanmar and English languages Translation skills (for both formal and informal writing styles) Good communication and good knowledge on digital marketing Computer literate, especially in social media, e-mailing, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Dynamic, independent, responsive, open personality Additional Assets: Good knowledge of French language Good knowledge on taking photos and web-administration (WordPress) Interested candidates are invited to submit the CV, cover letter and certificates via email to by the 5th October 2018 (Friday), 5 pm. Short-listed candidates will be informed for the interview arrangement. Download pdf here: Fiche de poste assistant(e) projet...
read moreCall for consultancy

Summary of the evaluation 1. Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation is to examine the implementation of the French Embassy 2017-2018 program in support to civil society in Myanmar (PISCCA program), and to provide lessons learned and recommendations for future programming. This evaluation will focus on the PISCCA program as a whole and on five out of a total of fifteen micro-projects supported under the PISCCA program. 2. Duration: this evaluation is expected to take approximately 45 calendar days. 3. Estimated Dates: beginning of November to mid-January. 4. Geographical Location: this evaluation will be mainly carried out in Yangon, with one or two missions outside of Yangon (one mission to Central Rakhine State and possibly another one to Shan State or Mandalay Division). 5. Methodology: ToR can be found in annex I The proposed methodology will include document review and interviews with: key staff of the Embassy, key staff of the supported NGO to be evaluated and with beneficiaries of the five micro-projects to be evaluated. Deliverables: one inception note, one evaluation report for each of the five micro-projects to be evaluated, one evaluation report for the overall evaluation of the PISCCA program and one short document summarizing lessons learned and recommendations. The methodology described in the ToR is open to discussion. Applicants are invited to propose alternative methodologies. 6. Evaluation Management Team: This evaluation will be managed by the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy in Yangon (SCAC). The selection of the evaluator(s) along with the validation of the inception plan and of the final reports will be approved by the steering committee of the PISCCA program (composed by personnel of the French Embassy and of the French Agency for Development). 7. How to apply: Applications should be sent before the 15th of October, 8 AM, to the following email address: Mrs Jeanne Berger () and Mr Philippe Devaud (). Download detailed information (PDF) at Annexe I – ToR Evaluation PISCCA French...
read moreMyanmar’s earliest Maritime Silk Road port-settlements revealed

Myanmar’s earliest Maritime Silk Road port-settlements revealed B. Bellina, Maung Sun Win, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Htet Myat Thu, C. Castillo, C. Colonna, L. Dussubieux, A. Favereau, E. Miyama, B. Pradier, O. Pryce, S. Srikanlaya, E. Trivière In February – March 2018, the Franco-Myanmar project, “Thanintharyi and the Maritime Silk Roads” carried out its first season of excavations at Maliwan and Aw Gyi in Myanmar’s southernmost state, Thanintharyi. The project is a collaboration between the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Myanmar Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, and is supported by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The project aims to define the economic and political role this region played in the first “trans-continental” maritime exchange network that came to link the Western World to China from the 4th-3rd century BC. The research wishes to determine to what extent and in which manner long distance exchange fashioned peninsular populations’ social, economic and political trajectories. The inception of this long-distance network took place during a period that witnessed the political unifications of Mauryan India and Han China. It inaugurated a trading boom and major social changes amongst the societies involved, such as the spread of Buddhism, Indic political concepts, etc. The Thai-Malay Peninsula, to which Thanintharyi belongs, acted as a central region in these exchanges, located between the Indian (Bay of Bengal) and Pacific (South China Sea) Oceans. From the late centuries BC, travellers and merchants sailing in these monsoon climes made stopovers in one of the riverine ports along the Peninsula coast, where they could replenish their boat, obtain local or imported goods stocked in local entrepôts and exchange ideas with other traders. Thus the Peninsula became a hub and a cradle for innovations that were then redistributed in both the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. Map Terra incognita from an archaeological point of view until 15 years ago, the Kra Isthmus turned out to be a core region during the genesis of the Maritime Silk Roads. Research lead by the French mission revealed that as early as the 4th c. BC, cosmopolitan and proto-urbanised polities developed there. These early city-states played a crucial role in trade and cultural exchanges, elaborating political and economic models later seen during the historical period from the 8th c. AD. Port-cities were linked to upstream/inland collecting sites that provided primary resources (minerals, resins, timber) for long-distance trade and also acted as relay stations for traders and other travellers who were crossing the Peninsula. The two port-settlements investigated by the Franco-Myanmar mission in 2018 were also part of this networks web. Maliwan is a large settlement established on a series of gently elevated hills located west of a tributary of the Kraburi River. It thus does not overlook the Bay of Bengal and is protected from the monsoon winds. The two radiocarbon dates so far obtained (Beta492589 and 492590) show an occupation from the 4th-3rd c. BC and is thus contemporary to the port-city of Khao Sam Kaeo (Bellina 2017) and its possible satellite, Khao Sek (ARA 2018), on the Gulf of Siam coast. Maliwan provided evidence of habitation and craft production. Stone such as carnelian, maybe imported from India, rock crystal and agate were produced there into beads, rings and seals. Preliminary archaeometallurgical assessment...
read moreThe 14th of July : Bastille Day

One of the revolutionary days in Paris and now a national holiday, the 14th of July (“Bastille Day”) is celebrated with a mixture of solemn military parades and easygoing dancing and fireworks. The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 has been commemorated in France for more than a century. Contents The Storming of the Bastille The National Holiday The 14th of July Today The Storming of the Bastille Paris was in a state of high agitation in the early months of the French revolution. In Spring 1789, the Estates-General refused to dissolve, transforming itself instead into a constituent National Assembly. In July, King Louis XVI called in fresh troops and dismissed his popular Minister, Jacques Necker. On the morning of July 14, the people of Paris seized weapons from the armoury at the Invalides and marched in the direction of an ancient Royal fortress, the Bastille. After a bloody round of firing, the crowd broke into the Bastille and released the handful of prisoners held there. The storming of the Bastille signaled the first victory of the people of Paris against a symbol of the “Ancien Régime” (Old Regime). Indeed, the edifice was razed to the ground in the months that followed. The Fête de la Fédération (“Feast of the Federations”) held on July 14, 1790, celebrated with great pomp the first Anniversary of the insurrection. In Paris, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord held Mass at the Altar of the Fatherland, on the Champ de Mars. The National Holiday The commemoration of July 14 was abandoned in subsequent years. Under the Third Republic, however, leaders (particularly Léon Gambetta) cast about for ways to celebrate the foundations of the regime. A Deputy for the Seine Department, Benjamin Raspail, moved that July 14 be named the national holiday of the Republic, and Parliament passed an act to that effect on July 6, 1880. From the outset, the emphasis was on the patriotic and military character of the event, expressing France’s recovery from the defeat of 1870. Every commune or locality in France held its own celebration, starting with a torchlight parade on the evening of the 13th. The next morning, church bells or gun salutes announced the military parade, which is followed by a luncheon, spectacles and games, with dancing and fireworks ending the day. Coming after the austerity of the 1914-18 war, the 14th of July 1919 was the occasion of a great victory celebration. Similarly, July 14, 1945 was preceded by three days of civic rejoicing. The traditional military parade on the Champs-Elysées The 14th of July Today Today, the festivities of July 14 are as popular as ever. In Paris, the traditional military parade on the Champs-Elysées is a meticulously planned spectacle, and dancing and fireworks displays or special illuminations are organized all over the country. The successive Presidents of the Fifth Republic have modified the day’s events slightly. For example, in order to restore the tradition of revolutionary Paris, President Giscard d’Estaing re-routed the military parade, marching the troops from the Place de la Bastille to the Place de la République. Starting in 1980, however, the parade returned to the Champs-Elysées. Under President François Mitterrand, the “La Marseillaise” night-time parade organized by Jean-Paul Goude on July 14, 1989, was watched by numerous foreign heads of State,...
read moreFranco-Myanmar archaeological project collaborates in first Southeast Asian ancient DNA study

Franco-Myanmar archaeological project collaborates in first Southeast Asian ancient DNA study 18 June 2018, Yangon The Franco-Myanmar archaeological cooperation project recently participated in the first ever whole-genome study of ancient Southeast Asian human DNA. Due to its diverse geography and ecology, Southeast Asia has a highly complex population history. These ground-breaking results, published online as Lipson et al. in the renowned journal Science on 17th May 2018, document at least three significant migration events over the last 50000 years. Ancient DNA is rarely preserved in tropical climates and only 18 individuals from Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam passed the rigorous screening process, of hundreds tested from recent excavations. The two Myanmar samples, a young adult female “S28” and an older adult female “S29”, were excavated by the Franco-Myanmar team in 2015 at the Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age (c. 12th-8th c. BC) cemetery of Oakaie 1, in Sagaing Division, co-directed by U Aung Aung Kyaw of the Mandalay Department of Archaeology and Dr T. O. Pryce of the French National Centre for Scientific Research. S28 and S29 probably lived during the Late Neolithic, at the end of the 2nd millennium BC, just before the appearance of metallurgy. They were buried in a coffin or wrapped in a burial shroud and accompanied by one or two pots. The general model for the Mainland Southeast Asian Neolithic is that Austroasiatic language-speaking rice and millet farming populations from what is now southern China migrated south into Southeast Asia in the late 3rd to early 2nd millennium BC. There is good archaeological and linguistic evidence from Thailand and Vietnam that these farmers settled and intermixed with previous hunter-gather communities. The new aDNA data support this general model. However, the two Myanmar samples, which although likely to be Neolithic are dated about 1000 years after the initial Neolithicisation of Southeast Asia, do not have ancient DNA comparable to the studied individuals from Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. Instead their DNA more closely matches that of the current Sino-Tibetan speakers, including many present-day Myanmar people. Dr Pryce, said, “These are the first aDNA data available for Myanmar and sample numbers are very low, so we must be cautious in our interpretation of these results. Nevertheless, a preliminary reading of the data could be that upper-central Myanmar experienced a different Neolithic migration history to that of the rest of Mainland Southeast Asia. In this scenario farming populations may have travelled via what is now southwestern China, rather than the southeastern Chinese passage responsible for Thailand’s and Vietnam’s Neolithicisation.” Dr Pryce went on to state, “Seeking out these subtle yet important variations in Southeast Asia’s historical trajectory is a major aspect of the Franco-Myanmar archaeological team’s work, and Myanmar is an incredibly exciting place to be working. I am extremely grateful to my scientific collaborators around the world, the financial sponsors in France and most of all to the Myanmar authorities and local people who make archaeological research in Myanmar both possible and a pleasure.” The genetic study was led by researchers from Harvard University and the University of Vienna. The Franco-Myanmar project was founded in 2001 as a collaboration between the French National Centre of Scientific Research and the Department of Archaeology of the Myanmar Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture. The excavation of Oakaie 1 was financed...
read moreInvitation to Tender for Catering Concession

Invitation to Tender for Catering Concession The French Institute of Myanmar is searching for a catering company to run the catering contract for its cafeteria/restaurant. Situated inside the compound of the French Institute, the cafeteria/restaurant is an outdoor 88 square-meter covered space that can accommodate more than 50 customers at the same time. The café/restaurant shall be able to serve food (Western – French if possible – and Myanmar) and drinks in strict abidance by the security rules (diplomatic compound) and the operating hours of the French Institute, both for the students of the French Institute and the general public. This is a unique opportunity for dynamic, forward thinking and innovative catering companies who are suitably resourced to provide quality service at an affordable price. Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified, experienced companies who would like to be invited to tender for the catering contract. To register your interest, visit the facilities or receive some more information (rent, charges, facilities…), please email , or call Mrs Khaing Wai Wai Thwin, Tel: . The deadline for expressions of interest is 15th...
read moreLes rendez-vous #1

Les rendez-vous #1 FRIDAY 23 MARCH 7:30pm to 12am New series of concert at the IFB though cross cultural artistic disciplines to celebrate local creation (visual art, performance, contemporary art). This upcoming Friday 23 let’s open the night with the upbeat and energetic tunes of live bands THE REASONABILIST and THE VISION. Finally, the iconic female DJ Yu KT will make you dance till the end of the night with her exceptional blend of Deep House music with Pop and electronical mix and… upcoming surprises for the evening! Join us in the Facebook event FRIDAY 23 MARCH 7:30pm to 12am Ticket : 5000 Kyats IFB 340 Pyay road,...
read moreMyanmar Language Courses in 2018

MYANMAR LANGUAGE CENTER offers basic to Intermediate levels courses (reading, writing and speaking skills) with experienced teachers and excellent resources inspired by the John Okell approach. You wish to learn Myanmar language rather quickly or you are available only 2 evenings or during the weekend. IFB offers a large range of courses for adults, from 3 to 10hrs/week, one-to-one, duo, mini-group or group class (9 participants max.). For any particular group, we organize a custom-made program in close collaboration with the institution asking for the program. Our clear and rigorous syllabus will give you a chance to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills along with an essential and accurate cultural knowledge. OCTOBER 2018 BEGINNER (INTENSIVE) Monday to Friday 10:00-12:00 noon Start: Wednesday 10 October 2018 End: Tuesday 6 November 2018 Fees: 345 USD for 30 hours 22 to 26 Oct – no class BEGINNER (NORMAL) Monday and Thursday 6:30-8:30pm Start: Thursday 4 October 2018 End: Monday 3 December 2018 Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 22, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class POST BEGINNER I (NORMAL) Tuesday 6:30-8:30 pm | Saturday 12:00-2:00 pm Start: Saturday 6 October 2018 End: Tuesday 27 November Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 23, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class BEGINNER (NORMAL – WEEKEND) Saturday 2:00-4:00pm | Sunday 12:00-2:00pm Start: Saturday 13 October End: Saturday 15 December Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours PRE INTERMEDIATE I (NORMAL) Monday and Thursday 12:30-2:30 pm Start: Thursday 27 September 2018 End: Monday 26 November 2018 Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 23, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class Placement test is compulsory for all non beginner level PRIVATE TUITION, SPECIAL COURSES & OTHER LEVELS Please contact us at 01 535 428, 01 536 900, 09 262 611 438 or Registration Form Myanmar 2018 To enroll, the following documents of yours shall be necessary for the Student Registration Office : -The Form filled, 2 ID photos, a copy of your passport along with your tuition fees in USD -Kindly note that we accept only USD OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Saturday: 9am – 12:30pm | 2pm – 5:30 pm Closed on Sunday and Monday TESTIMONIAL > “ Je prends des cours particuliers, à raison de 2 cours par semaine, avec Thwe depuis juillet 2015. Patiente et flexible, elle s’adapte à mon rythme d’apprentissage ainsi qu’à mes contraintes professionnelles. Sa pédagogie est claire, variée, et à l’écoute de mes requêtes. Et le tout avec une bonne humeur permanente et un grand sourire J »“ Olivier Maubon, level Post.beg 2, private class >” I have taken classes with Sayama Khine for almost a year and can attest that she has exceptional teaching techniques and a genuine enthusiasm for learning. I also value her insights into Myanmar life and culture that are woven through the classes to be inspiring, and motivational. Ma Khine is patient and thorough, which has meant that I get very good value, in addition to quality, from each class. “ Indi Oliver, level Post beg2, private class > The syllabus at the French Institute offers a great course and an excellent introduction to the Burmese language, but what makes the real difference for me, is my teacher. Sayama Khine is fantastic, with an amazing talent for finding clear ways to explain even the most complicated vocabulary, grammatical or cultural nuances. She is always prepared and energized for our early morning classes...
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