Rentrée des cours de Français (Avril 2018)
IFB, the best place to learn French in Myanmar! GENERAL COURSES French language courses at all levels with certified Myanmar and French teachers, using latest technologies available (interactive whiteboard…). IFB is a joyful multicultural community sharing many activities in french with students Join the Facebook group ETUDIANT IFB *** BEGINNER LEVEL At the end of this level* you’ll be able to: Introduce yourself and your friends or colleagues Ask and answer basic questions about your home, family, surroundings, etc. Recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purpose FOR ALL THE OTHER LEVELS ENROLMENT: From March 15th to April 11th 2018 REENROLMENT: from April 4th to 12th 2018 For new students, a placement test is compulsory. You can register for the test at the students’ office (15$) *** REGISTRATION FILL IN the form : Registration form French 2018 Bring the form to our students’ office along with 2 ID photos, a copy of NRC or a copy of Passport. Full payment in USD and in cash only. OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Saturday: 9am – 12:30pm | 2 pm – 5:30 pm Closed on Sunday and Monday *** ANY QUESTIONS? 01 535 428 / 09 2626 11438 / YOU’RE NOT SURE ABOUT YOUR LEVEL? Call us or send us an email at and get an appointment for a placement test with our team. We do placement tests on Wednesday &...

French for Kids and Teenagers
Learning French has never been so much fun! French Institute gives the opportunity to the Teenagers to learn French through a playful environment at Institut Français de Birmanie ! including interactive program, composed of interactive activities (games, songs, role-playing, hands-on activities, etc.) as a means of encouraging them to communicate in French. REGISTRATION OPENS NOW! TEENAGERS (10-14 years old) *Regular Saturday Class* Start : 18th August 2018 Date : Every Saturday Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (2 hour lesson) Class size : 10 Students Teacher : Monsieur Claude Robin Fees: 160 USD for 25 hours (including original textbooks and CDs) KIDS (7-10 years old) *Regular Friday Class* Start : 17th August 2018 Date : Every Friday Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (1 hour lesson) Class size : 10 Students Teacher : Teacher Lucya Fees: 160 USD for 25 hours (including original textbooks and CDs) *** CONTACT 01 535 428/ 09 2626 11438 /...
DELF DALF Exams Certification
DELF AND DALF CERTIFICATIONS Official diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the proficiency in French as a foreign language French equivalent of the English proficiency test IELTS Lifetime and worldwide validity B2 level is required if you want to study in French at a French university 3 CATEGORIES: Tout public (adults), Junior (12-17 y.o) and Prim (7-11 y.o) COURS DE PREPARATION AU DELF / DELF EXAM PREPARATION COURSE A specific course dedicated to the preparation of the Exam. Total hours – 27.5 H during 5 weeks for 45 USD only For A1 Tuesday & Thursday | 3:00 – 5:00 pm Starting on 16 October 2018 For A2 Monday & Friday | 3:00 – 5:00 pm Starting on 15 October 2018 For B1 Tuesday & Thursday | 9:00 – 11:00 am Starting on 9 October 2018 Registration opens till the 13th October 2018 Contact us: 01-535428, 01-536900, 09-262611438 | DELF and DALF EXAMS NOVEMBER SESSION 2018 REGISTRATIONS DELF Prim (A1.1, A1 and A2 levels): from September 3rd to 21st 2018 DELF junior and DELF/DALF tout public (adults): from September 20th to October 31st 2018 EXAMS (ALL CATEGORIES) A1 – Friday November 23rd A2 – Saturday November 24th B1 – Monday November 26th B2 – Sunday November 25th C1 – Tuesday November 28th C2 – Wednesday November 28th ___________________ EXAM FEES Students of Institut français de Birmanie, Mandalay French center and Yangon French international high school: > A1, A2: 25 USD > B1: 35 USD > B2, C1, C2: 45 USD Non-members of the institutions mentioned above: > A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2: 100 USD ___________________ DELF/DALF examiners and markers are all trained and authorized by the CIEP. They follow strict assessment guidelines and are regularly...

Myanmar Language Courses in 2018
MYANMAR LANGUAGE CENTER offers basic to Intermediate levels courses (reading, writing and speaking skills) with experienced teachers and excellent resources inspired by the John Okell approach. You wish to learn Myanmar language rather quickly or you are available only 2 evenings or during the weekend. IFB offers a large range of courses for adults, from 3 to 10hrs/week, one-to-one, duo, mini-group or group class (9 participants max.). For any particular group, we organize a custom-made program in close collaboration with the institution asking for the program. Our clear and rigorous syllabus will give you a chance to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills along with an essential and accurate cultural knowledge. OCTOBER 2018 BEGINNER (INTENSIVE) Monday to Friday 10:00-12:00 noon Start: Wednesday 10 October 2018 End: Tuesday 6 November 2018 Fees: 345 USD for 30 hours 22 to 26 Oct – no class BEGINNER (NORMAL) Monday and Thursday 6:30-8:30pm Start: Thursday 4 October 2018 End: Monday 3 December 2018 Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 22, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class POST BEGINNER I (NORMAL) Tuesday 6:30-8:30 pm | Saturday 12:00-2:00 pm Start: Saturday 6 October 2018 End: Tuesday 27 November Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 23, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class BEGINNER (NORMAL – WEEKEND) Saturday 2:00-4:00pm | Sunday 12:00-2:00pm Start: Saturday 13 October End: Saturday 15 December Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours PRE INTERMEDIATE I (NORMAL) Monday and Thursday 12:30-2:30 pm Start: Thursday 27 September 2018 End: Monday 26 November 2018 Fees: 330 USD for 30 hours 23, 25 Oct & 22 Nov- no class Placement test is compulsory for all non beginner level PRIVATE TUITION, SPECIAL COURSES & OTHER LEVELS Please contact us at 01 535 428, 01 536 900, 09 262 611 438 or Registration Form Myanmar 2018 To enroll, the following documents of yours shall be necessary for the Student Registration Office : -The Form filled, 2 ID photos, a copy of your passport along with your tuition fees in USD -Kindly note that we accept only USD OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Saturday: 9am – 12:30pm | 2pm – 5:30 pm Closed on Sunday and Monday TESTIMONIAL > “ Je prends des cours particuliers, à raison de 2 cours par semaine, avec Thwe depuis juillet 2015. Patiente et flexible, elle s’adapte à mon rythme d’apprentissage ainsi qu’à mes contraintes professionnelles. Sa pédagogie est claire, variée, et à l’écoute de mes requêtes. Et le tout avec une bonne humeur permanente et un grand sourire J »“ Olivier Maubon, level Post.beg 2, private class >” I have taken classes with Sayama Khine for almost a year and can attest that she has exceptional teaching techniques and a genuine...

Les rendez-vous #1
Les rendez-vous #1 FRIDAY 23 MARCH 7:30pm to 12am New series of concert at the IFB though cross cultural artistic disciplines to celebrate local creation (visual art, performance, contemporary art). This upcoming Friday 23 let’s open the night with the upbeat and energetic tunes of live bands THE REASONABILIST and THE VISION. Finally, the iconic female DJ Yu KT will make you dance till the end of the night with her exceptional blend of Deep House music with Pop and electronical mix and… upcoming surprises for the evening! Join us in the Facebook event FRIDAY 23 MARCH 7:30pm to 12am Ticket : 5000 Kyats IFB 340 Pyay road,...

Invitation to Tender for Catering Concession
Invitation to Tender for Catering Concession The French Institute of Myanmar is searching for a catering company to run the catering contract for its cafeteria/restaurant. Situated inside the compound of the French Institute, the cafeteria/restaurant is an outdoor 88 square-meter covered space that can accommodate more than 50 customers at the same time. The café/restaurant shall be able to serve food (Western – French if possible – and Myanmar) and drinks in strict abidance by the security rules (diplomatic compound) and the operating hours of the French Institute, both for the students of the French Institute and the general public. This is a unique opportunity for dynamic, forward thinking and innovative catering companies who are suitably resourced to provide quality service at an affordable price. Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified, experienced companies who would like to be invited to tender for the catering contract. To register your interest, visit the facilities or receive some more information (rent, charges, facilities…), please email , or call Mrs Khaing Wai Wai Thwin, Tel: . The deadline for expressions of interest is 15th...
XVIIème Sommet de la Francophonie – vive la Francophonie en Birmanie !
XVIIème Sommet de la Francophonie – Vive la Francophonie en Birmanie ! Le XVIIème sommet de la Francophonie se tient les 11 et 12 octobre à Erevan en Arménie. La Conférence des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des pays ayant le français en partage se rassemble autour du thème : « Vivre ensemble dans la solidarité, le partage des valeurs humanistes et le respect de la diversité : source de paix et de prospérité pour l’espace francophone ». Elle adoptera notamment une Stratégie de la Francophonie pour la promotion de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, des droits et de l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles. En Birmanie, le saviez-vous ? La francophonie c’est : 2 300 personnes qui suivent des cours de français, pour moitié dans les écoles internationales et les universités, pour l’autre à l’Institut français de Birmanie à Rangoun et au centre culturel français à Mandalay. S’y ajoutent 1 200 guides, médecins, personnels d’organisations non gouvernementales et internationales et autres francophones qui utilisent chaque jour la langue française. Près de 1 000 Français, inscrits au consulat de l’ambassade de France à Rangoun, vivent en Birmanie et au moins autant d’expatriés francophones. Avec plus de 150 élèves et une croissance rapide de ses effectifs internationaux et birmans, le Lycée français international Joseph Kessel de Rangoun est un établissement de premier rang du développement de la francophonie en Birmanie. Nos actions en faveur de la francophonie en Birmanie visent à renforcer la place du français dans le système éducatif birman, notamment dans les cursus scientifiques et technologiques, à élargir l’apprentissage du français dans les écoles internationales, à soutenir la réforme en cours du système éducatif en promouvant à moyen-terme l’apprentissage du français comme deuxième langue étrangère à l’école. Nous accompagnons e développement des relationsde l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) avec les universités birmanes qui pourraient intégrer le réseau mondial de l’AUF et bénéficier de l’expertise et du savoir-faire des autres membres. Lieu de rencontre de la francophonie dans le pays, l’Institut français de Birmanie organise chaque année des événements familiaux, conviviaux et de qualité à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la Francophonie (le 20 mars). L’Institut français à Rangoun et le Centre culturel français à Mandalay proposent des outils de pédagogie modernes et une offre de certification internationale de compétences linguistiques (DELF/DALF). Le lycée français international Joseph Kessel de Rangoun est un établissement partenaire de l’Agence de l’Enseignement français à l’étranger et se conforme aux programmes de l’éducation nationale française, adaptés pour promouvoir le plurilinguisme. Les enseignements sont dispensés en français et en anglais. La scolarité est sanctionnée par le diplôme français du bac, qui est reconnu internationalement. Il donne accès à l’université en France, dans toute l’Europe et dans la plupart des pays du monde (y compris par exemples les Etats-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne ou Singapour). Les inscriptions sont encore possibles pour l’année scolaire en cours. Pour plus d’informations, suivez nous sur Facebook. Vous y retrouverez l’offre culturelle et les cours de l’Institut français de Birmanie, les actualités de l’ambassade de France et du lycée français international de...